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Year : 2014   |  Volume : 2  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 50-57

Optimization of Solid State Fermentation Conditions for the production of Pectinases by Aspergillus niger

The objective of this study was optimization of Solid State Fermentation conditions for the production of Pectinases by using fungus Aspergillus niger. The effect of basic fermentation parameters (pH, Temperature, Moisture Contents, Moistening agent, Carbon Sources and Nitrogen Sources) on enzyme production was studied. Maximum pectinases production was in PME (5.58 mg/ml) using Banana peel as substrate. The optimum conditions for pectinases production for Banana peel were found to be: initial Moisture Content - 70%, initial medium pH - 6 and 7, temperature - 35ºC, concentration of carbon sources - 2% glucose, concentration of nitrogen sources – 3% Urea. The optimal incubation time for production was six days. Results indicate the scope for further optimization of the production conditions to obtain higher Pectinases using the strain under SSF.
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