Review Article
| |
Year : 2023 | Volume
: 11
| Issue : 4 |
Page : 9-15 |
Statistical analysis: A basic guide for pharmaceutical and
bioscience researchers
Atul K. Goyal, Jyoti Saini
Correspondence Address:1Managing Director, Doc Navigator, New Chandigarh, Mohali, Punjab, India,
2Associate Editor, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences, India
Source of Support: Nil,
Conflict of Interest: None Declared
DOI: 10.4103/2231-4040.197331
Background: Statistics is the science which summarizes the data of given population according to
certain parameters. Pharmaceutical and bioscience research involves the generation of qualitative
and qualitative data which is needed to be analyzed statistically. It is therefore essential for the
researchers to have a basic understanding of statistical analysis. Objective: The present article is
designed to enhance the basic understanding of statistical analysis among pharmaceutical and bioscience
researchers without undergoing the technical and mathematical details. Main Text: All the sections
are designed to improve the preliminary understanding of researcher by keeping the language and
terminology at basic levels. The article highlights the type of data and scale, distribution patterns,
measure of central tendency and variability, hypothesis testing, statistical comparison between two or
more group, correlation and regression analysis. We also highlighted some new topics including the
sensitivity, specificity, and prediction models. Conclusion: The article will help in developing the
basic understanding of statistics among the pharmaceutical and bioscience researcher. The article will
also help the researcher to identify suitable statistical methods to analyze the data of their research.
Keywords: Analysis of variance, correlation, data, hypothesis, P-value, statistics
How to cite this article:
Goyal AK, Saini J. Statistical analysis:
A basic guide for pharmaceutical and bioscience researchers.
J Pharm BioSci 2023;11(4):1-6.