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Table of Contents

Volume 1 | Issue 4
Page Nos. 124-161
Accessed 33055

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Evaluation of anti-proliferative activities of ethanolic extracts of Sarcocephalus latifoluis fruit and Paullina pinnata leaf p. 124-127
D. Arome, E. Chinedu

Quantitative estimation of Rosuvastatin in bulk and tablet dosage form by using area under curve method p. 128-133
P. S. Jain, N. K. Kale, S. J. Surana

Phytochemical investigation and standardization of extracts of flowers of Woodfordia fruticosa; a preliminary study p. 134-140
Y. H. Syed, M. Khan, J. Bhuvaneshwari, J. A. Ansari

Pharmacognostical and phytochemical investigations of the whole plant of Swertia chirata and Hemidesmus indicus p. 141-145
M. Sayyed, M. Khan, N. Devanna, Y. H. Syed, J. A. Ansari

The importance of toxicity testing p. 146-148
David Arome and Enegide Chinedu

Nutritional therapy for epilepsy p. 149-156
J. Sancheti1 , M. F. Shaikh, M. Akhade, F. A. Shaikh, S. Sathaye

Traditional Indian spices useful in Diabetes Mellitus – an updated review p. 157-161
S. V. Upasani, P. V. Ingle, P. H. Patil, R. Y. Nandedkar, V. S. Shah, S. J. Surana