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Table of Contents

Oct-Dec 2017
Volume 5 | Issue 4
Page Nos. 30-43
Accessed 10578

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Review Article
A short review on method validation p. 30-37
Sunila T. Patil, Rajesh A. Ahirrao, Sunil P. Pawar

DOI: 10.31555/jpbs/2017/5/4/30-37

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Original Article
Preparation and evaluation of mucoadhesive buccal tablet for oral infection disease p. 38-43
Surajj Sarode, S. D. Barhate, P. R. Patil, Md. Ragib Usman, A. R. Bendale

DOI: 10.31555/jpbs/2017/5/4/38-43

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